Helping people craft careers aligned with their values

I provide custom-tailored coaching, for people who feel stuck in their careers, by empathetically untangling negative beliefs, and offering expert guidance, so that they can confidently go after the career and life they want and deserve.

If you are looking for a very personalized, non-cookie-cutter coaching experience, then you have come to the right place. I work with clients to achieve both career and personal goals.

Here are some of the main ways I can help you:


Design Your Career Change

In this 5-month, 1:1, custom-tailored, career change coaching program, you will not only be given all of the practical skills and tools you need to succeed in your job search, but you will also uncover any limiting beliefs that might be holding you back. Our work together will provide clarity on what really gives you purpose and meaning, so you can confidently design and pursue a career you deserve!

Cultivate Personal Fulfillment

Whether you are navigating a life transition, feel stuck, or want to create a better relationship with yourself, this 3-month, 1:1, custom-tailored personal development coaching program, will help you achieve any goal your intuition is guiding you towards.

Name, Reframe, Re-claim

Short on time, but need help getting back on track? This mini coaching package consists of 3 hour-long sessions to help you refocus on your goal and jumpstart you into forward motion.

Hi, I’m Carrie!

I’m a career and life coach, certified in the Co-Active Coaching methodology. I am passionate about helping clients find work they love, because life is too short to settle for anything less.

Just knowing that you want a more fulfilling career is a sign that you are absolutely ready to design a life that expresses your unique talents and skills. Having changed careers numerous times in search of my own career fulfillment, I deeply understand the desire to have a career that aligns with and supports the life you want. 

With me as your coach, you will create a bridge from where you are, to where you want to be. I coach from the belief that you are already whole and resourceful, and that you just need some clarity on how to create a career that is a truer reflection of who you are. I will mirror back your strengths, and offer a unique blend of empathy and practical guidance to ensure you have the tools and confidence that you need to embark on your next chapter.

  • Carrie is amazing! These sessions are more than career coaching sessions. This is career therapy!

    Alex K.

  • Because of the work I’ve done with Carrie I have a clear sense of my values and where I want to go in my career.

    Hilary S.

  • About three months after we started working together, I was hired as a consultant to do the type of job I described in my initial assessment.

    Y. S., Media and Technology executive

  • I had no idea that my entire life would transform. Over the past ten months working with Carrie, I have grown more fully into myself than I ever imagined was possible.


  • Carrie has been instrumental in my personal and professional growth.

    Amanda S.

  • Carrie is a dedicated and focused coach. She doesn’t focus on a single aspect but instead sees the big picture. She knows personal and professional are linked and that real change and forward momentum requires a fully fledged solution.

    M&A Consultant

Coaching might be a good fit for you if:

You feel underappreciated and/or burnt out in your current role, and you know you need a change but don’t know where or how to start

You want to switch careers but fear you don’t have the skills it would take

You are successful in your profession, but you feel your job is not aligned with who you are and what you know, deep down, that you can offer the world

You have been trying to get promoted and progress in your career, but can’t seem to make it happen

You have been laid off, or are a new grad, and need help with your job search

You have experienced “career trauma” (ie: toxic work environment or laid off abruptly), and need empathetic support and expert guidance

You feel there are no more growth opportunities where you are and you want a change

“What makes you different or weird, that's your strength.”

— Meryl Streep